We're Having a BABY!! Gender Announcement


This blog post is long overdue, but we are excited to share with even more of the TréCreative community that we are expecting a baby on December 31st. We shared this publically a while ago but never got around to making a full blog post. We decided to announce the gender to you today!


I’m going to be a boy mom!

Early on in pregnancy before I could take a test to know if I was actually pregnant or not, I prayed and told God it would be really cool if he could give Stephen a dream with our baby as a confirmation that I was actually pregnant. I asked God a lot during those early weeks for continual confirmation and he always answered them. Whether it was a friend mentioning a baby or seeing something totally random that reminded me that I might be pregnant. It gave me hope and I started to fall in love with the idea of who our baby would become. 

After asking for that dream for Stephen. He woke up the very next day and said he had seen a baby, a baby boy in our kitchen laughing and smiling. Ever since then, Stephen knew we would have a boy! I thought our baby was a boy too but halfway through I started warming up to the idea of a girl just in case. My heart’s desire was a boy first. We opened the gender reveal ultrasound together in the In-N-Out Drive through after a great ultrasound. I opened and say BOY written in the picture. We both cried tears of joy and I through the tears said, I’ve always wanted to be a boy mom, I’m going to be a boy mom. Then that evening, we had our immediate families over to share in the news!

I feel like since that day has brought so much joy. Once I knew we were having a little boy, I’ve begun falling in love with our sweet boy every day. It’s made all the first trimester ups and downs totally worth it! 

We’re beyond thrilled to be parents. God’s brought us into new levels of trust and breaking fear completely off our family in the last year. He deserves all the glory!

So TréCreative family, we’re excited to share we’re having a TréBaby coming later/early 2020!

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