Memorable Monday - TréCreative Photography&Videography

Oh man! I don't know about you, but I feel a little bit like I'm still in a turkey comma! It's also pretty gloomy and cloudy outside here in Chico which makes us want to cuddle up next to the fire and work on our laptop! It's Monday which means it's time for another installment of our weekly Memorable Monday post! This week filled with lots of giving thanks, turkey eating, and trip to the snow (oh and lots of cuddles by the fire)!

Our Week

  • About half our dates for 2016 are already booked up! We had an exciting meeting with another potential couple last week! Meeting with new couples who really value photography and videography get us amped for next season, it's going to be a good one!

  • On Thanksgiving morning, we participated in the Chico 10th Annual Run For Food. We are not runners, but thanks to our amazing community at North Rim Crossfit the 5K run felt like a breeze which caught us both by surprise. All those intense cardio workouts and weights have truly paid off! We thought we were sore from the Run for Food but then the next day at Crossfit we were surprised by a workout of 100 burpees, 100 toes-to-bar, and 100 power snatches...YIKES! Needless to say we sat on the couch the rest of the day!

  • On Thursday, both our immediate families came to our new house, AKA the TréCrib for our Thanksgiving meal! We're so grateful to have both our families here in Chico, minus Stephen's sister (who me miss!) that lives in Panama! We can sometimes take for granted how close our families are, but we're grateful no one had to travel too far for Thanksgiving.

  • As mentioned earlier, Friday we took the day completely OFF. We cuddled on the couch and did absolutely nothing. I binged on Netflix while Stephen got his video game on. It was crazy feeling because we NEVER do this! I'm not one to promote watching TV all day long, but for us this restful day was so needed!! We tend to wear busyness like a badge of honor until we run ourselves dry, and that's not good. I encourage you this week to take some time to re-charge and rest well (even if that means a Netflix binge haha)!!

  • On Saturday we got to spend time with one of our past portrait clients and start another fun long-term project with them! This little family that we love so much is expecting again with TWIN GIRLS!! We couldn't be more happy for them! We get to document the whole process through film&photos. See little Hunter's video (their first cutie) to see what we're talking about :D

  • Sunday we drove up to the snow to cut down our lovely new Christmas tree with some great friends (and past TréCreative couple) Cody&Brittany! It was SO fun! This was our first time cutting down our own full size Christmas tree and it's definitely a new tradition! Cody&Brittany showed us the way and how to find the best Christmas tree around!

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