Chico State Fall Family Photos - Bryan Family


We just adore the Bryan Family! Cody and Brittany were one of our first TréCreative wedding couples EVER and since then, we have had the honor of photographing some of their family’s big life moments. It’s fun to see and spend time with them and see little Calvin grow each year . Last year, he was barely walking and now he’s running a mile a minute! He’s an adventurous two year old ready to take on the world!

Cody and Brittany are on staff with an amazing Christian ministry on Chico State’s campus so it was fitting we take their photos in a place they spend a lot of time. Chico State is also the place where Cody and Brittany met and fell in love during their college years.

By early December, the Fall colors are usually gone but this time of year we got lucky and the leaves were still so bright and bold.

Enjoy some of our favorites from this Chico family photo session. As always, Bryan family we love you so so much!


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