Several weeks ago we were in Los Angeles for the second round of Stephen's tattoo project. This will be one of the first of many trips throughout the next few years that we'll be making together to complete this piece. Stephen has been on a world-class tattoo artist's waitlist since 2013 and this year it was finally his time to start this exciting project.
Read MoreCongrats friends on your ten year wedding anniversary and the beautiful family you have. Every anniversary is worth celebrating and we're honored to have documented this big milestone. Here's to the next 10 years of love and happiness!
Read MoreWhen we're at weddings, at church, or out and about in the community, people always seem intrigued that we’re able to work together as husband and wife team. That we're able to enjoy what we do, and not totally kill each other.
Early in our marriage, I was shocked that so many people had this viewpoint of working with their spouse. The longer I’ve been married, the more realization of how rare this can be done well. Marriage is hard enough by itself, and yet adding a working partner can cause even more complications.